Professional Organizations – Are they Worth Joining?
Professional organizations or associations whether national or regional can be a great way to expand your network in a desired field. They often provide abundant resources including current events, literature, and ways to better qualify yourself for a job in the field (certifications, conferences, etc.).
Whether you are changing careers or have been in your field for a while, being aware of the benefits of a professional organization can help you decide if you should spend the time and money to join (look for the student membership price). Often the national organization has a regional chapter that you can be a part of for a more hands-on experience. Some of the benefits include:
-Broadening your knowledge
-Adding it to your resume
-Growing your network
-Becoming a leader by taking on a volunteer role
-Staying up to date or current in your field
-Finding out about jobs from those also in the organization
Below are just a few examples of professional organizations related to our Master’s programs here at University College:
Arts and Culture– Americans for the Arts, Arts Education Partnership
Communication Management- Business Marketing Association, American Marketing Association
Environmental Policy and Management- National Association of Environmental Professionals, National Association for Environmental Management
Geographic Information Systems – Environmental Rating Scales Institute, Urban and Regional Information System Association
Global Affairs- Foreign Policy Association, International Economic Development Council
Healthcare Leadership- Healthcare Information and Management System Society, American College of Healthcare Executives
Information and Communication Technologies- Association of Information Technology Professionals, Woman in Technology
Leadership and Organizations- Colorado Nonprofit Association, International Leadership Association
Security Management – American Society for Industrial Security, Information Systems Security Association