Graduation Story: Roxana Toledo
We asked graduates to share their journey to graduation. Here is what Roxana Toledo (Leadership and Organizations) had to say in her own words…
Some relatives including my mother and father are coming from my home country, Honduras, to go to my graduation ceremony. Time passed by fast while attaining my degree and I am a different person now than I was two years ago. It took many people to help me finish my degree, some of them helped me in my application, facilitated the money for my visa application, provided housing, helped with my tuition, helped me get my first job in the US and others took me as their family. I have learned that blessings occur in the form of people, God doesn’t send checks but sends people. My most significant resource have been people and finishing this degree required many. I am more grateful than I ever was before. I am blessed to have my family, my most significant resource, here today.
Congratulations, Roxana!