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February 8, 2021

The Value of Mediation in Business and Beyond

The art of effective mediation is a key skill that can impact each aspect of your life, including your career. Through mediation, you can understand different perspectives, build empathy, and develop creative problem-solving skills.

In business, whether seeking to resolve an internal or external conflict, mediation is an approach that can settle emotions and build understanding. All mediations are unique, yet the mediation process includes a common step-by-step that can help all parties truly listen to the others’ needs and interests.

Mediator Opening: The mediator explains their role and goals of the mediation, establishing that they have no authority to make decisions in the mediation.

Sharing Perspectives: Each party takes time to describe their dispute from their own perspective.

Issues Identification: Parties identify and understand the issues at stake, offering insight into their own experiences.  

Option Generation: Issues are transformed into solutions, as all options are put on the table that could help resolve the contention.

Option Evaluation: The identified options are assessed for viability and parties evaluate which options will advance their interest.

Agreement: The final resolution is chosen and agreed upon by all parties, with the mediator playing a crucial role in capturing the terms.

Learn to integrate mediation skills into your current role and become adept at negotiating, resolving conflict, and arriving at win-win solutions. The University of Denver’s University College is offering a live, online 40-hour Professional Mediation Training starting April 2. You’ll explore ways to develop communication and reframing skills, deal with power issues, engage in productive problem-solving, and network with accomplished mediation professionals.

The training satisfies the initial requirements for professional mediators in accordance with the Mediation Association of Colorado (the MAC) and the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR).

The course begins April 2 and registration is now open. For pricing and registration, call 303-871-2291 or email

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