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February 28, 2022

Upcoming Events at University of Denver Regarding Invasion of Ukraine

Over the past few days, we have all watched in horror and heartbreak as Russia invaded Ukraine, violating international law and the human rights of the Ukrainian people. As our community grapples with the implications of this ongoing and fast-moving conflict, there are several upcoming events being hosted by our colleagues at the Korbel School of International Studies aimed to inform, educate, and provide space to process the deadly conflict happening in Europe (see below).

Tuesday, March 1 at 12 p.m. (Campus)

The Forum: Open conversation focused on answering your questions about these events with Professors Rachel Epstein, Lewis Griffith, Lisa Conant, and Dean Fritz Mayer. Register

Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. (Virtual)

The Invasion of Ukraine: What 21st Century War in Europe Means for the U.S. and the World

For the first time since 1945, Europe confronts the prospect of major war on the continent. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine seems destined to become a transformative event in the history of Western nations and the world, likely marking a point at which nearly everything that comes after will differ from what had become before,” says career diplomat and Ambassador Gary Grappo. The invasion has also raised critical questions: Why did Russian President Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine – what does he want, really? Can Ukrainians successfully resist this forced absorption of their nation into a neo-Russian empire? Will the harsh economic sanctions work? How much of a role can diplomacy play now that the invasion is underway? Can the U.S. and NATO avoid direct military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine? And, what if the conflict extends beyond Ukraine’s borders? Join Grappo as he sheds timely light on these and other crucial questions in the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
Register ($15)

Friday, March 11 at 10 a.m. (Virtual)

War in Europe: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and its Broader Implications.

The history of Russia and Ukraine dates as far back as medieval times. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the relationship between the neighboring countries has become increasingly fraught. Crimea was annexed by Russia and the Ukraine’s Donbas region has been the heart of a drawn-out war. Despite most Ukrainians supporting independence, why won’t Russia let its neighbor go? And what are the implications to follow? Professor Rachel Epstein joins Korbel School Dean Fritz Mayer for a timely conversation on the state affairs between Russia and Ukraine.

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