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June 11, 2022

Graduation Stories: Ed McDonald

We asked graduates to share their journey to graduation. Here is what Ed McDonald (Organizational Leadership) had to say in his own words…

My DU experience began in September of 2019 via the Disney Aspire Program. I was very excited and equally nervous at the prospect of returning to school as I graduated from Penn State in 1982.

I can recall one day at work talking to current students about the need to buy another I-Mac and not wanting to spend +$1000.00 just for school use. A peer suggested buying a chrome book. My immediate response was what is a chrome book. Once the laughter ended I ended up buying one.

The next story was having to learn what Zoom was and how to use it as I never used the technology before. Add in creating PowerPoint presentations with audio and visual aids was an even greater challenge. Luckily I was surrounded by peers whom grew up with technology and I slowly but confidently learned from them. There are so many people I would like to thank starting with my wife Valerie, my entire family, close friends, mentors at work, fellow DU students, professors and my advisers at DU.

I received so much encouragement and everyone I asked for input on papers, including my thesis, readily welcomed the opportunity to help. Moving forward, I hope I can utilize the education I received at DU in the final chapter of my career.

Congratulations to Ed, and all of our 2022 graduates!

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